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News of theme "The Environment"
20 May 2016 News flash

Monaco presents the Princess Grace Rose Garden in Beijing

The Monegasque delegation: Ms. Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development; H.E. Ms. Catherine Fautrier, Ambassador of Monaco to China, Mr. Yves Piaget, President of the Friends of the Princess Grace Rose Garden, Mr. Jean-Luc Puyo, Director of Urban Amenities, Mr. Anthony De Sevelinges and Mr. Georges Restellini from the Department of Urban Amenities.

A delegation from the Principality of Monaco, headed by Ms. Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, gave a presentation in Beijing of the Princess Grace Rose Garden, as part of the Regional Rose Convention, which was held the aegis of the World Federation of Rose Societies.  The event took place in a 45-hectare park in the Daxing district, where more than a million roses were on show. 

The public presentation on the Princess Grace Rose Garden was given in the Chinese Rose Museum.  It featured several illuminated panels, on which beautiful photos of this unique place in the Principality were reproduced.

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